Central Ohio
Women's Business Center of Central Ohio | ECDI Headquarters
Get In Touch:
In Person
1655 Old Leonard Avenue
Columbus, OH 43219
Here you'll find:
Women's Business Center of Central Ohio​
ECDI's main office functions
Central Ohio loan processing
Food Fort and Food Fort 2.0​
Standard hours are Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Accommodations can be made outside of those hours, if needed.

About our Central Ohio office
Columbus, Ohio's capital city, is home to the Women's Business Center of Central Ohio and ECDI's headquarters. Our offices are housed in a refurbished schoolhouse that was built in the year 1900, with the Women's Business Center and Food Fort in adjoining buildings and Food Fort 2.0 across the street.
Our buildings sit in the Devon Triangle neighborhood, which is a USDA-identified food desert. Our staff and clients have taken steps to alleviate our neighbors' lack of access to healthy foods, such as growing a community garden and holding Free Farm Stand Fridays throughout the summer.​